Sunday, December 20, 2015
Final Post: My Experience Making a Website
The website was one of the projects that made me worry quite a bit on what it will be like to work on it. Once it was went over in the class however, I started to think that I might have a chance of doing this after all. I'm still a little worried if I made it to be just right though, but that might just be plain old paranoia. Moving on, I made my website having the three necessary pages, the bio, the portfolio, and the contact page. I did not have any other contact sites that could be considered "Professional", so I decided to stick with just the blogger website, phone number, and email for contact. Since I'm aiming to get into the film business, I felt an image of the Hollywood sign would work best for my website. For using the website for promoting myself, since I want to get into film, I would need to emphasize the fact that this website is dedicated to the television and film medium of media. As the website is now, the only parts of it that shows off the dedication to film is the Hollywood image, some pieces of my bio, and my logo business card. While I do not have the appropriate portfolio that showcases that I want to get into film, they could still be used to help showcase some of the skills I possess. The resume is used in the obvious manner of showcasing my information and skills. When time passes I can always replace it with a new resume with more information, and can continue the process every time new information about myself is available. With the other projects in my portfolio I would able to showcase my experience using the adobe programs, Indesign, Photoshop, and Illustrator. When it came to actually designing the website itself, it was rather easy and hard at the same time. We did not get to use much of the Adobe Dreamweaver in this class, so when it was time to start the website we decided to use our remaining class times to work on the project together. When I compare Dreamweaver to the other Adobe programs we have used for this class, I can say without a doubt that Dreamweaver is a lot more advanced than the others; or at the very least takes much more knowledge and experience to utilize. When it came to building or putting together the website, since we had the majority of the necessities needed for putting it together, It was more easy than it would have been if we started from scratch. When we started bringing in the files we needed for the website, we did so many things to set them up for the project; including changing the files to the proper format a couple of times and linking the files to right things they needed to be linked to. The most troubling part of this project was the information on the side of the editing page that contained the data of the pages and it's contents. The information page was rather detailed and large, it made me feel uneasy when I learned that I had to use this page to complete the website. Overall, my experience with making this website was very enlightening, and I it makes me feel rather good that I was able to put this up, with assistance from my class.
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
Logos: Their looks and Meanings.
This is a successful logo because the multitude of colors in the word help to give emphasis that this website is meant to help people look for information. The logo says there are many colors, which could also be a way of saying there is a lot of information.
This logo is successful in that it is simple, but just right. This logo tries to give a sense of completeness, or fullness, which help makes a person more relaxed or tired. This can be seen as a way to emphasize how calm and quiet a Starbucks coffee shop can be, and how one can relax there.
This logo is a success because while it is simple, it is also artistically pleasing. The logo could also be away of saying that this store is the "bullseye", or the store that has what people are looking for.
This logo is a success because the design helps to give off senses of majesty, perfection, and epicness. This logo is able to completely emphasize how Warner Bros. Pictures films are apart of the mainstream and usually show off blockbuster movies.
This logo is successful because it is able to pull a simple image that spreads the message easily. The logo is nothing but a blue background and the name "GAP", but this is more than enough. If anyone has ever gone to GAP even once, then this logo tells them exactly what they are going to see in that store the second time they come around.
The Future of the Screens
The name of my company is, for the moment, The Judge's Army. The Judge's Army is a production company that creates mainstream shows and movies of many varieties, mainly of the fantasy element. The audience the company is aiming for is a general audience, due to most of the movies being varied in ratings. However, the production company would also be more likely to aim towards the age areas between adolescent and young adult. I want my logo to be able to communicate that this company will produce films and TV shows of many varieties. To do this, I believe a logo with my mascot, The Judge, holding a film roll or having a multitude of other characters behind him, while also having the title "THE JUDGE'S ARMY" in the logo somewhere, would be able to convey this message
Monday, November 16, 2015
The Perfect Brochure Duo
The Supercars Asian 2012 brochure is a well designed and successful article. The color scheme is made to really stand out in the brochure. The color that is used to stand out the most is the yellow-orange color, the same color as the car itself, as seen on the front cover. The color is also used for the background for the white text to go to help give more emphasis on the car itself. Due to how the brochure is designed and how it is trying to make the car feel like it's the future of all automobiles, the yellow-orange used could also be looked at as a futuristic color. The other color that is used the most is black. With the color black being used, more emphasis can be put on the more bright colored car. One could also say that the dark background helps to give off a serious or more quiet tone. This could be done to show off the cars features as read through the brochure. The only repetition that could possibly be seen in the brochure is the portrayal of the car and it's features, which is actually rather well done. This needs to be done as this brochure is meant to be an informative article about a new car model that is being held in both Shanghai and Florida.
Another repetitive item that is used again and again in this brochure is the yellow-orange colored hexagon. This is most likely done for effect and is also used to help point out the major facts about the car. The text is varied for the brochure, having both big and small fonts. The big font is used to help point out the facts that would draw people in. These are a must as these help catch peoples eyes and makes them want to read more. This leads them to the smaller fonts. The smaller fonts are used for the information part of the brochure, this is done because since there is quite a bit of information concerning the vehicle, it needs to be small enough to make room. The colors along with the hexagons and the atmosphere the colors give off, help give this brochure a technology or future theme. This is most likely what the designer was going for because if one is trying to showoff an advanced car then they need to show that this car is either from the future or is set to appear in one's future. There is plenty text used in the right amounts. With big text for short and sweet appetizers that draw people in, and little text that helps inform people how this car can be the the car they are looking for. There are plenty of images used well in this brochure. The Images used help to show off how sleek and cutting edge the car is. With the images and designs showing how the car looks along with how the text reinforces these ideas, this brochure is a successful production that will get people moving to buy this sleek looking car.
Freakin Adorable
The Digital Pro Magazine brochure is designed with a wonderful front cover that draws people in. The color scheme is used in different manners for the outside and in. On the outside, or on the cover, the colors used are meant to be a mixture of light and dark. The colors that are most likely used to show this are numerous with the ones standing out the most being purple, pink, very light green, and possibly dark blue. These colors, along with the little girl they are attached to, help give off a sweet and cuddly feeling. The inside of the brochure, from what can be seen, does not have as much color variation. The color that is used mostly for the inside of the magazine brochure is purple, but their is no effect to it, like it's just standing right there for people to see. This brochure does not show seem to show any repetition that can be seen at the moment. The font of the magazine is somewhat lackluster. The text is rather small and simple, save for the sub headers which hold interesting information. With the text as it is in this brochure, it is safe to assume this magazine is meant to be more of an entertainment brochure than an informative peace, though there is likely more information later on. There are plenty of images used in this brochure. In fact the number of images most likely outweighs the amount of text there is in the brochure. It is uncertain how this brochure as a whole fairs in society, but the front cover of the brochure is indeed done wonderfully. Here hopes the wonderful image on the cover draws in quite a few people to read the brochure.
Monday, November 2, 2015
The Postcard: The Aftermath
My Experience Making a Postcard with Indesign, Photoshop, and Illustrator
We have done and learned much in this class of graphic communications. It is thanks to the time we've taken to learn these things that I found this postcard assignment to not only get easier over time, but to also be more enjoyable because of the accomplishment one would feel after making the, almost to exact, idea they wanted.
I believe that this exercise can be considered essential because it's pretty much a test. This assignment helps us to refine our current skills with both Indesign, Photoshop, and Illustrator. This assignment, as with other assignments before it, helps to give us students free reign to our ideas while also helping to teach us about a different format and helping us to improve on our text wrap. The assignment can also be a way of expressing one's self while at the same time helping the student get a good grade for their class.
When it comes to the colors I used for the postcard it was varied, minimally, but varied. The most obvious color that stands out is the background color. The color that I chose to use for the background and the whole of the postcard is green. The reason I chose this for my background is rather plain and simple. The reason I chose this color to fill up the entirety of my postcard is because the color green is my favorite color. I figured thats since this postcard is basically a short biography about myself, then I should use my favorite color to express myself. The only other two colors I used for this postcard are yellow and blue. I used the yellow on the stars I created because yellow is the best color to use for stars. I used the color blue on the film roll I made because I felt since I used yellow stars, I might as well make a blue film roll for synergy. This is my own opinion of course.
I really only used one type of font for this postcard. The font I used was the Trebuchet MS font. The reason I used this for my assignment is because that I learned recently that Trebuchet MS is the best type of font used for representing film. Since I stated in this postcard that I wish to get in the film and television business, I figured that it would be best to use a font that represents the movies, hence the Trebuchet MS.
When it comes to very design of the postcard, I figured since this was my fist time doing this, I would go simple. Yes simple, but not crappy. I used the example on the professor's blogpost as somewhat of a basis as to where I wanted to be. I then used this basis to help improve upon, such as what fonts to use, what illustrations to make, and the overall finished design of the postcard. As for the design hierarchy, I believe it goes from either left to right, or right to left. It all depends on opinion really. The Illustrator designs created for this postcard are, as stated above, a couple of stars and a film roll. The film roll's theme should be rather obvious, while the stars help to represent movie stars. The images could help the postcard standout due to their design and color and they could be the reason why the viewers of this postcard would start from the left. However, should people be more curious about what I look like, then the image of myself on the postcard would more likely draw attention and instead the hierarchy would start on the right. Overall, I believe that my postcard matches my expectations somewhat. It's not a piece of art and its not garbage, to me I think it's simple and enough to portray the message I wanted to give.
The use of Indesign, Photoshop, and Illustrator was a requirement for this assignment. One of the reasons for this was already stated before. There are, however, also other reasons for this. The reason Indesign was required for this assignment is a big one. Indesign is a major, if not the most important, program for this class. Almost all the work that is done in this class is done on Indesign. It is with Indesign that we students are able to create our projects the way we want to make them. The reason Photoshop is required is because one cannot simply copy and paste a photo onto Indesign. Photoshop is used to help strengthen the visual beauty of the photos and images one chooses for their projects. It also helps to correct any mistakes that were made. The reason Illustrator is required for this assignment is because if one only has photos and images from someone-else in their work, then how is it even really "THEIR" work. Illustrator helps the creator of the project put their own soul into their work. With Illustrator, people are able to create unique designs and images that help establish that this piece of work belongs to themselves and only to themselves.
This was a really interesting assignment and I hope future assignments and projects will be just as good. I do hope they won't be too much trouble to deal with when it comes to computer difficulties though.
Monday, October 12, 2015
Fast Food, and What it Does to Our Health.
What is the topic about?
Fast food restaurants are a social problem. These convenient restaurants are nearly everywhere and is effecting people everyday. Fast food chains need to be removed due to it's unhealthy products that contain large amounts of fat, sodium, and sugar, and the consumption of these products contributes to many health concerns such as coronary heart disease, obesity, high blood pressure, and more. With all that in mind, a quarter of American adults still consume fast food everyday, for every year, and spend ten percent of their income for food from fast food chains due to it's cheap prices and convience. The meals themselves may not look unhealthy, but the fact is that fast food contains many oils and fats that are highly processed and are very fatty.
Most people don't know that one meal from a fast food restaurant contains the amount of calories a person needs in an entire day. There are many foods sold at fast food restaurants that alone could contain a ton of calories
A hamburger now these days is often made from a dozen or hundreds of cattle instead of just one. Originally fast food chains got their beef from local suppliers in the local area. This mean that fewer cattle were used to make hamburgers at the time. Since the demand for hamburger meat that tasted the same grew however, factories to make ground beef were built. Now since a hamburger was made of hundred of strips of beef from different cattle, if just one of those cattle turned out to be sick then the chance of one getting sick after eating the burger is much higher than before. (
Chicken is considered to be the more healthier option when compared to beef and because of this chicken has become quite popular in many fast food restaurants. This chicken that is sold at these restaurants however, are in now way healthy. These chicken are usually fried adding more calories to it. In fact fried chicken has twice as much fat as hamburgers. The majority of chicken isn't sold as whole birds but instead as chunks and processed meat. ( These fast food chain chickens also have additives such as beef extract that is used to flavor chicken nuggets, most specifically McDonalds chicken McNuggets.
Another common fast food item is french fries. reach fries are not only high in fat and sodium, but also contain animal products, the likes of which shall to be disclosed to the public. ( The daily amount of sodium a person gets is 3,400 milligrams -- thats well above the 2,300 milligram recommendation. Daniel Pendick, executive editor of 'Harvard Men's Health Watch', states that fast food gives one too much salt and that their sodium content is on the rise, which doesn't bode well for your heart." (
Everything that is in the meal, including things like the buns and the condiments, and everything in-between, contains additives to enhance the taste of the meal, not the quality. "The 2005 study in 'The Lancet' also showed that young adults who ate the more fast food had a two-fold increase in insulin resistance, which is associated with Type 2 diabetes.'( many studies have concluded that it various health concerns that came with the consumption of fast food, another concern is the rise in depression. "A study published in March 2012 in 'Public Health Nutrition' followed nearly 9,000 people who had never been diagnosed with depression. The results showed that people who ate fast food had higher rates of depression compared to those who did not." (
Even with all these studies , "This year year Americans will spend over $110 billion on fast food more than they'll spend on movies, books, magazines, newspapers, videos, and recorded music combined."( Consuming fast food will increase the chances of becoming obese, being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, and more
I myself have enjoyed fast food meals from time to time. However, the day will have to come when enough is enough. So I am against fast food chain restaurants. Fast food restaurants are a pretty big threat to people's health mainly due to how lazy an cheap people can be. In fact I believe its safe to say that fast food restaurants are a major influence over American obesity. Fast food restaurants need to be removed, and maybe if that is done a closer step is taken to ending American obesity.
10 adjectives that would describe fast food:
1. Disgusting
2. Unhealthy
3. Messy
4. Greasy
5. Alluring
6. Fattening
7. Fried
8. Tempting
9. Calorie
10 Edible
Images that may pertain to fast food restaurants could include some pictures of the food sold at the restaurants. Some subjective images that show what this unhealthy food does to you on the inside could help. Also maybe some pictures of obese individuals could help prevent people from making the same mistakes.
Im not really certain if a specific font would be needed for this poster, but I feel since this poster is trying to spread a message the fonts used should be Arial Black fonts, so as to help get peoples attention. The other font that should be considered for important information or facts is Times New Roman.
The theme of this topic isn't all that serious, but it is important enough for people to know. I think a bright color to draw peoples attention is needed. This color should also represent a warning as this is what I believe this poster is meant to be. Therefore I think some colors like yellow or orange would help signify that this poster is a warning and a person would be smart to read it.
Sunday, October 4, 2015
What Makes a Poster look Good?
The BEST of the BEST of the BEST!
This is a poster that is pleasing to they eye because of the obvious significance. This is a poster that almost anyone would be able to identify. It is a poster that can draw a person in because of how loved this image is. The Poster is designed well visually. The character C-3PO is blown up to take up most of the poster space. This helps to draw in people with a well loved face. The idea to not only include C-3PO as character in the poster but also as the background is rather clever. The character is even given a silhouette to show he is apart of the background and yet is still separate from it. This can be done easily since C-3PO is well known media icon. The color used for C-3PO, red instead of gold, helps to give a more dramatic or serious effect. The color of the poster tells people it is meant to be more of a homage to the series. Also, if one looks close at the top of C-3PO's head one can see the wear and tear on him. The character C-3PO acting as a background character also helps to portray a scene from the original movie in the poster. The small print, that being the people who are involved in the film, is exactly where it should be. This poster is well done and it would be able to please a true fan of the series very much.
This poster that is advertising the film, Treasure Planet, is designed beautifully. Disney is well known for making beautiful animation, this also includes the posters for their movies. It is able to show a truly eye catching scene using the outer reaches of space as a medium. The dark space and planet at the bottom of the poster help to lead the viewers eyes. They keep looking up until they come across a split in the poster, in which the colors of the poster begin getting brighter. The character, Jim Hawkins, looking out at the stars also helps to make people want to look at where he's staring. Beyond the rift of the poster one would then see a flying spaceship heading out to the green world with rings around it. All the colors of the poster and the very image itself help to present the viewer with a sense of awe and majesty. While the large vastness of space that leads to Treasure Planet is indeed capable of drawing someone from the distance, up close there is another part of the poster that draws the eye. In Jim Hawkins hand is a glowing an unknown glowing object. Once a person sees this they will immediately begin to wonder what it is in his hand. Overall the poster is an eye-catcher from both afar and up close.
This poster not only excels in design but also in detail. The latest protagonist of the Assassin's Creed series is made to be the center piece of the poster. This draws people in to have a look at him, which then people would notice the other characters behind him. The colors red, blue, white, and black are used for the poster and are able to contrast wonderfully. This poster is able to draw people in with its dark serious atmosphere that the colors give off. The background of the poster is made to be a stained glass window. This window is also made to hold other character's faces. From afar, although there are only four colors being used and they are dark, they can bring people in closer to see more. If one is closer to the poster, then they can see the details of the poster more clearly. The entire design of the assassin is shown with detail. One can see the wrinkles in his clothes, the facial hair on his face, and even the structure of his hands can be seen. This dedication to detail can even be seen on the faces in the background of the poster. The bird in the picture, perhaps a dove, can also be interpreted by fans of the series. They could probably see the dove as a sign that the assassinations committed by the assassins are necessary. The title is made to be small at the bottom, possibly to signify that any true fan would know what this is without looking at the title. If fans of the Assassin's Creed series ever saw this poster, they would agree it is a well done homage to the game.
This poster that is advertising the film, Treasure Planet, is designed beautifully. Disney is well known for making beautiful animation, this also includes the posters for their movies. It is able to show a truly eye catching scene using the outer reaches of space as a medium. The dark space and planet at the bottom of the poster help to lead the viewers eyes. They keep looking up until they come across a split in the poster, in which the colors of the poster begin getting brighter. The character, Jim Hawkins, looking out at the stars also helps to make people want to look at where he's staring. Beyond the rift of the poster one would then see a flying spaceship heading out to the green world with rings around it. All the colors of the poster and the very image itself help to present the viewer with a sense of awe and majesty. While the large vastness of space that leads to Treasure Planet is indeed capable of drawing someone from the distance, up close there is another part of the poster that draws the eye. In Jim Hawkins hand is a glowing an unknown glowing object. Once a person sees this they will immediately begin to wonder what it is in his hand. Overall the poster is an eye-catcher from both afar and up close.
This poster not only excels in design but also in detail. The latest protagonist of the Assassin's Creed series is made to be the center piece of the poster. This draws people in to have a look at him, which then people would notice the other characters behind him. The colors red, blue, white, and black are used for the poster and are able to contrast wonderfully. This poster is able to draw people in with its dark serious atmosphere that the colors give off. The background of the poster is made to be a stained glass window. This window is also made to hold other character's faces. From afar, although there are only four colors being used and they are dark, they can bring people in closer to see more. If one is closer to the poster, then they can see the details of the poster more clearly. The entire design of the assassin is shown with detail. One can see the wrinkles in his clothes, the facial hair on his face, and even the structure of his hands can be seen. This dedication to detail can even be seen on the faces in the background of the poster. The bird in the picture, perhaps a dove, can also be interpreted by fans of the series. They could probably see the dove as a sign that the assassinations committed by the assassins are necessary. The title is made to be small at the bottom, possibly to signify that any true fan would know what this is without looking at the title. If fans of the Assassin's Creed series ever saw this poster, they would agree it is a well done homage to the game.
The WORST of the WORST of the WORST!
This poster is atrocious visually. It may catch people's eyes from a distance but up close it would unfortunately be considered garbage. The font used for the poster in indeed creative and it looks nice, but it is clearly unreadable, or at the very least hard to read. Even if the font looks good, what is the point of having it if it cannot be read. As soon as someone comes in to have a look at the poster, they're going to leave as quickly as they walked up to it. This is because since it cannot be read, to them its something to only look at, and even then its design isn't good enough to keep them there long. Also, the colors of the poster just seem like they are thrown about and don't really mix. In addition to that, the grey background may help the font standout, but the colors just doesn't belong on this poster. With all that said there is another issue that this poster has. The font is the only major part of the poster that stands out. This is because the font is all there is in the poster. Whoever designed this was able to put a lot of effort into their font, but because of that the font is essentially unusable. Also, since they focused so much on the font, they were unable to add more to this poster.
Visually this poster is actually nice. It gives off a series atmosphere. That is, however, the last of the niceties. It has a serious atmosphere thanks to the colors, but because of the colors the fonts are hard to read. Since the poster has a black background, the font should have been anything but black. Even if the black font is put into the red cross, if the words, even by a little, begin to flow out of it then the black font mixes with the black background. That is the case here as the top sentence and bottom words and numbers are black and flowing out of the cross, they are somewhat hard to read. The way the poster is made could also make it come off as sloppy or rushed. The creator of this poster could have even went with different colors. The message or how this poster is suppose to be portrayed is unknown so the colors it has might have been the right ones. Though since this poster is about religion, maybe some more bright colors or something that gave off a more hopeful or calm feeling. It should also be noted, font wise, that there are words underneath "ER OF" that are too small to read.
This poster most likely looks the way it does because its meant to imply that this was done by a child, but it is still visually poor. For starters, it is unknown what the picture is suppose to be. Is it a flower, or is some kind of eyeball? The picture should be made more clear by making it look closer to what its suppose to be, even if its SUPPOSE to look bad. Another thing wrong for this poster is what it lacks. If the poster is meant to look like its drawn by a child who want to end war, then its needs more creativity. If this would be done by a child, it should maybe have some more colors in it as kids always like to add a lot colors. This poster lacks that diversity in color though. Also the font should be made to be more "childish" then sloppy. Like the fonts should include little images mixed into them. However, considering how serious this poster is meant to be, maybe instead of images mixed into the font, they could instead try and add some more images that could showcase the idea of peace and no more war in the world. Also, even if it is meant to resemble a child's handwriting, there should perhaps just be a little more writing put into it. With all that said, it is a poster that would make people stop for a moment. For at most a moment.
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
Who I am, and What I Think About Communication!
Hello there, my name is Tristan, and this is my first blog to date. I'm a young man who is trying to get into the film industry to help bring my ideas to life on the big screen. Communication is a big part of the movie industry, as without it, would anyone understand them?
I know communication can come in many forms, but to me the ones that stand out are the visual, audio, and verbal types of communication. Visual communication helps to show us things through what we see, and thats good for me. This way when I see something then I know what its suppose to look like. Like if I see Mickey Mouse's ears I know instantly those are his ears because their internationally recognized. Audio is an important type of communication. I could be wrong thinking this, but I believe music is a type of audio communication. Music helps to communicate a mood to people. These moods have actually helped me make some of my T.V. and film ideas. Verbal is a no brainer. While people can understand most types of communication, the verbal communication is the most easy to deal with in my opinion. Though this is only true in the same language.
There are plenty of things that can help to communicate things visually. I believe one of the necessary things needed is color. Color, in my opinion, can sometimes help distinguish or represent things. Like how crimson red is always remembered as the color of blood. Another key component for visual communication is the image. Usually a person's looks or how old looking a structure is can tell a little bit about themselves. Like, often, a big scary monster with spikes, horns, and claws would come off as evil. These days however, people have started to look a little past the cover of things and started to see more. Another important visual tool are symbols. Symbols that are globally recognized are often used everywhere in todays modern society. Like stop signs everywhere on the road to tell people to stop at certain points. Symbols can also be used to remember important things like how the swastika will always remind us of the horrible Nazis.
There are plenty of things in this world that are remembered strongly by means of visual communication. Coca Cola is one of them. This is a delicious soft drink that has been around since 1886 and it continues to prosper to this day. These days its even seen as a drink that brings joy and happiness in its commercials. Another company well recognized visually is Apple Inc.. They are an international technology company that has sold numerous high tech devices that are huge sellers. They are also well known for their apple logo. Another group of individuals who are known across the world are the Beatles. The Beatles were started in the 1960's and since then have been disbanded and yet remain popular to this day with people.
I know communication can come in many forms, but to me the ones that stand out are the visual, audio, and verbal types of communication. Visual communication helps to show us things through what we see, and thats good for me. This way when I see something then I know what its suppose to look like. Like if I see Mickey Mouse's ears I know instantly those are his ears because their internationally recognized. Audio is an important type of communication. I could be wrong thinking this, but I believe music is a type of audio communication. Music helps to communicate a mood to people. These moods have actually helped me make some of my T.V. and film ideas. Verbal is a no brainer. While people can understand most types of communication, the verbal communication is the most easy to deal with in my opinion. Though this is only true in the same language.
There are plenty of things that can help to communicate things visually. I believe one of the necessary things needed is color. Color, in my opinion, can sometimes help distinguish or represent things. Like how crimson red is always remembered as the color of blood. Another key component for visual communication is the image. Usually a person's looks or how old looking a structure is can tell a little bit about themselves. Like, often, a big scary monster with spikes, horns, and claws would come off as evil. These days however, people have started to look a little past the cover of things and started to see more. Another important visual tool are symbols. Symbols that are globally recognized are often used everywhere in todays modern society. Like stop signs everywhere on the road to tell people to stop at certain points. Symbols can also be used to remember important things like how the swastika will always remind us of the horrible Nazis.
There are plenty of things in this world that are remembered strongly by means of visual communication. Coca Cola is one of them. This is a delicious soft drink that has been around since 1886 and it continues to prosper to this day. These days its even seen as a drink that brings joy and happiness in its commercials. Another company well recognized visually is Apple Inc.. They are an international technology company that has sold numerous high tech devices that are huge sellers. They are also well known for their apple logo. Another group of individuals who are known across the world are the Beatles. The Beatles were started in the 1960's and since then have been disbanded and yet remain popular to this day with people.
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